November 4, 2013

Morning Walks In Golden Gate Park


Golden Gate Park, San Francisco 2013.  Taken with Canon 5D Mark II.

October 15, 2013

some days are better than others

Photo: Marigolds in honor of Fall
Some days you wake up before the alarm goes off.  You feel refreshed and ready to take on the day.  Some days you make the perfect cup of coffee which you enjoy in bed while wearing your pajamas.  Some days you are able to take your time to get to work and walk in fresh faced and not irritated with the world.  These days, sadly, are few and far between.  But when they happen it is important to acknowledge them, embarrass them, and never take them for granted.  I'm having one of those days, and I am incredibly grateful for it.

Side note:  I also found the perfect Fall playlist which you can listen to here.

October 6, 2013


Sunset at Ocean Beach, San Francisco 2013

Here I am again, trying my hand at blogging.  How many blogs have come before this one?  Three, four-who knows, I've lost count.

What drove me to stop blogging in the first place?  It was a combination of factors, lack of time, lack of creativity, etc.   Why I stopped isn't important, or interesting, why I started again is what matters.

So what made me want to start blogging again?  There are a number of reasons-the main one being frustration.  Frustration over the lack of a creative outlet in my life.  Frustration at not having a proper means to document moments in my life.  And last but not least, frustration over not being connected to a greater community.

So without further ado I publish my first post.  Stay tuned and thanks for stopping by.